Sunday, September 11, 2011


IP Addressing

So what’s a TCP/IP Address?
TCP/IP address works on the Network and Transport layer of the OSI-ISO reference model and Internet model. To understand IP addressing, Let’s take a look at the postal addresses. Every house or building must have its own postal address in order for mail to be delivered. An address consists of house number, street, and city. Every device such as (printers, routers, servers, gateways) needs a unique IP address to be identified in the network.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Flash Car Animation - Driving at Night

lash car animation should be the most common animation created again and again over the years. This series of animation tutorials will show you how to make it with flash. The final flash car animation is shown as below:

Create an Animated Car Banner using Flash CS5

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an animated banner using Flash CS5. You will learn how to create a car moving on a road with its tires spinning. 

Creating a Simple Animation in Flash CS5

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple biker animation in Flash CS5 with a snowfall effect in the background. This tutorial will teach how to create frames, keyframes, blank frames & motion tweens. You will also learn how to use the deco tool to create a simple snow fall effect.

We will learn how to create tha nimation you see above. Let's get started!

Make a Very Basic Flash ActionScript Website Tutorial

This Flash tutorial series show how to make a simple and basic Flash web site with ActionScript 3. The first Flash tutorial shows how to make a very basic Flash web site with ActionScript 3. Although it is a very basic Flash web site, it has almost all the basic features.

Play and Stop Flash Movie Clip with ActionScript 3

This tutorial series show how to use Flash ActionScript to control Flash Movie Clip.

Flash Sound On/Off Button

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a simple Flash music on and off button using Flash actionscript. Fla download is also included.

This tutorial starts with the music on. On clicking the button music goes off (as seen in the demo). You can start the music again at any point during the movie.

Simple Flash Preloader

This tutorial will explain how to create a simple Preloader in Flash MX 2004. The download .fla is included at the end of the tutorial.
Please note:
1. You need to have Flash Player 7.0 installed to view the Flash animation.
2. Flash MX 2004 must be installed in your system to download the .fla file.

Scrolling Content in Flash

Learn how to scroll content in Flash using the ScrollPane Component. The free .fla download file is included at the end of the tutorial.
Please note:
1. You need to have Flash Player 7.0 installed to view the Flash file.
2. Flash 8.0 must be installed in your system to download the .fla file.
Steps to Follow :
  1. Open Flash 8.0 and create a new Flash document

Simple Flash Preloader using ActionScript

  1.  Create 2 layers called actions and preloader. The actions layer will contain the action script and the preloader layer will contain the preloader.

  1. In the first frame of the preloaderlayer. Select the rectangle tool and set the stroke color to black and fill color to a lighter shade and draw a rectangle as shown below.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

File management:

A file system (filesystem) is means to organize data expected to be retained after a program terminates by providing procedures to store, retrieve and update data, as well as manage the available space on the device(s) which contain it.

Without a filesystem programs would not be able to access data by file name or directory and would need to be able to directly access data regions on a storage device.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


POST PRODUCTION: Group Project/  long bond paper compiled in folder. To be submitted on Friday next week. (September 2, 2011)
Contents: Definition and pictures.

Red: group1
Blue: group2
Green: group3

     What is digital cinema?
    three-strip Technicolor (pics)
    adjacent microscopic image fragments (e.g., Dufaycolor) (pics)
    Kinemacolor (pics)
     stencil color process

                      film tinting
                     Handschiegl Color Process
                     additive color systems

            Kodachrome system
                     Doren Kelley's Prizma
                      bipack color system
                      duplitized film,
           Technicolor's system
                 Subtractive color

Saturday, August 20, 2011

How to Set Up a PHP/MySQL Site in Dreamweaver

Set up a New Site in Dreamweaver

Yes, I want to use server technology

Screen shot by J Kyrnin

Assigning MySQL privileges via the command line

The final task once you have created your MySQL database and created your MySQL user account is to assign privileges. With MySQL 5 this can be done on a global, database, table, column and routine level. Typically though once you have your root account created then other accounts are assigned privileges at the database level, and that is what will be covered in this guide.
  • Start the MySQL command line client by selecting the MySQL Command Line Client item from your MySQL program group in your start menu.
  • The MySQL command line client will prompt you for the root password. Enter it and push enter.
  • To assign privileges to a user simply type in;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `testdb\_%` . * TO 'test'@'localhost';
  • This will grant all privileges a user called test on localhost for all databases beginning withtestdb_. So if you created a database called testdb_mydb this user will have full privileges to it even if created with the root account, but other standard user accounts with no global permissions will be able to access this database. This is very handy for multi user environments as you can set each user to have their own prefix so that they can create and administer their own databases without them being accessible by other users.
  • Finally, lets verify that the privileges have been assigned properly. Type in;
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'test'@'localhost';
  • This will list all the privileges that the test account has on the server, and you should see something similar to what is displayed below in figure 1.
 Figure 1
That's it. You should be able to now create a database, user and assign permissions from the command line interface for MySQL.

Creating a MySQL user via the command line

Now that you have installed your MySQL 5 server on your Windows server, it is time to start getting into the nuts and bolts of it. In this guide we'll show you the steps needed to create a new MySQL user by using the MySQL command line client. In most instances these days you'll be able to use a GUI manager for MySQL such as phpMyAdmin, but in some instances you may need to do it via the command line. Creating a user is a very easy procedure, so lets get into it.

Creating a MySQL database via the command line

So you followed the MySQL 5 installation guide and have MySQL installed and ready to go. The next step will be to create a user and database so you can start using MySQL, and in this guide we'll show you how the basics of how to create a database on your Windows based system. There are many ways to do this as there are a lot of support tools out there for MySQL. In this guide though we'll stick to the basics and show you how to add a database using the MySQL command line client.

how to create MySQL shortcut on desktop?

On your desktop, right mouse and select New->Shortcut

A Create Shortcut dialog should appear. In it, browse to the location of the mysql.exe binary file. In my case, its C:\wamp\mysql\bin\mysql.exe. Click next and edit the shortcut name, if desired. Click Finish.

Flash Digital Clock

This tutorial will explain how to create a digital Clock in Flash MX 2004. The download .fla file is also included at the end of the tutorial.
Please note:
1. You need to have Flash Player 7.0 installed to view the Flash animation.
2. Flash MX 2004 must be installed in your system to download the .fla file.

It is very simple to build a digital clock. All you need to do is follow the steps given below.
  1. Insert 3 layers in your timeline window and name them, "background", "text" and "actions". Similar to the one shown below

  2. Select Frame1 of background layer, Design the framework for your digital clock.
  3. Select frame2 and press F5
  4. Now go to Frame1 of your text layer and insert Dynamic text field in your work area. Select frame2 and press F5

    To insert a Dynamic text field- Select text tool from your tool box,
    Select Dynamic text from Text pop-up menu in the Property inspector.
    Click on your work area wherever you want the digital clock to appear.
  5. Name this Dynamic text field instance as "clock_txt"
  6. Go to frame1 of actions layer. Copy and paste the below mentioned script in the action panel

    time=new Date(); // time object
    var seconds = time.getSeconds()
    var minutes = time.getMinutes()
    var hours = time.getHours()
    if (hours<12) {
    ampm = "AM";
    ampm = "PM";
    while(hours >12){
    hours = hours - 12;
    hours = "0" + hours;
    minutes = "0" + minutes;
    seconds = "0" + seconds;
    clock_txt.text = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds +" "+ ampm;

  7. Now go to frame2 of actions layer and press F6 to insert a new keyframe.
    Still keeping the play head on the frame2, go to action panel and copy paste the below mentioned script.

Congratulations!! your digital clock is ready.
Press Ctrl+Enter to view your clock.


Custom Cursor in Flash

This tutorial will teach you how to create a custom cursor for your flash movie. Here we will be using movieclip symbol and little bit of actionscript to develop custom cursor. The .fla download file is included at the end of the tutorial
Please note:
1. You need to have Flash Player 7.0 installed to view the Flash animation.
2. Flash MX 2004 must be installed in your system to download the .fla file.
Well, I would like to start this tutorial assuming that the reader knows about Basics of flash such as different kinds of symbols used in flash.
Firstly, you will need to create a movieclip symbol for customized cursor design then you will have to type in few lines of code asking flash to hide the existing cursor and show the new cursor developed by you.

Create a movieclip symbol

Steps to Follow :
  • Press (Ctrl+F8) to create a new symbol.
    "Create New symbol" window will appear
  • Name your symbol cursorNew_mc.
  • Click on movieclip behavior and then press "OK"
    Now you would have entered your movieclip symbol
  • Draw anything you like to replace the existing cursor.
    For example I drew an arrow as shown below
  • Now come back to "Scene 1" which is your main movie
    To get back to "Scene 1", click on the "Scene 1" text on top of your timeline window as shown in the figure below
In "Scene 1" of your Main Movie
  • Drag your cursorNew_mc movieclip symbol from library onto your stage.
    If Library window is not open, Press (Ctrl+L).
  • Name this Symbol "cursornew" in the instance text box of your property window.
  • Select 1st Frame of your "Layer1". Go to Actionscript panel ( If your actionscript panel is not open, Press "F9")
  • With Frame1 of your layer 1 still being selected, type the below mentioned script in your action panel.

Guess what! You have finished with customizing your cursor :), Press Ctrl+Enter to view customized cursor. 
Below is an example which would give you more ideas to customize your cursor


Flash Analog Clock

This tutorial will teach you how to create an Analog Clock in Flash MX 2004. The free download .fla file is also included at the end of the tutorial.
Please note:
1. You need to have Flash Player 7.0 installed to view the Flash animation.
2. Flash MX 2004 or higher must be installed in your system to download the .fla file.

Are you ready? Just follow the steps below.

  1. Create a background for your clock, You can either draw it in fireworks or photoshop and import it onto your stage or draw it in flash itself. 
  2. Add 5 Layers in your Timeline window.
    Name them - interface, sec, min, hour and actions. Similar to the Timeline window shown below.

  3. Import your clock background design into your interface Layer if you had created it else where.
  4. Draw a line in your sec Layer. Select the line and press F8 to convert it to Symbol. Call this Symbol sec_mc, choose Movie clip behavior and select the bottom center square in registration. Similar to the Symbol window shown below.

    Press OK.
  5. In your sec Layer, place sec_mc right at the center of your clock background design. Name it "sec" in instance text box of your property window. This is going to be your seconds needle.
  6. Drag sec_mc into your min Layer from your library. If your library window is not open, press (Ctrl+L) to open it. Reduce sec_mc's height, may be by 3pix. Place it right at the center of your clock background design. Name it "min"in instance text box of your property window. This is going to be your minutes needle.
  7. Drag sec_mc into your hour Layer from your library. Reduce its height, may be by 5 to 6pix. Place it right at the center of your clock background design. Name it "hour" in instance text box of your property window. This is going to be your Hours needle.
  8. Copy and Paste the code given below in your actions window of actions Layer.
  9. Now go to second frame of each layer and press F5 to insert new frame.
Your clock is ready. Press Ctrl+Enter to view your clock.


Circular Ripple Effect in Flash

This tutorial will explain how to create a simple circular Ripple effect in Flash MX 2004. The .fla file also included at the end of the tutorial.
Please note:
1. You need to have Flash Player 7.0 installed to view the Flash animation.
2. Flash MX 2004 must be installed in your system to download the .fla file.



Create a Graphic Symbol.
  • Import an image to your work area upon which you would like to create ripple effect.
  • Press F8, to convert this image to a symbol.
  • Name this Symbol "girl_gr" and choose graphic behavior. Press OK.
  • Name this Layer "bg".
  • Select girl_gr and choose Alpha 99% from color list box in your property window.

Create a Movie clip.
  • Press Ctrl+F8, to create Ripple movie clip.
  • Name this symbol "ripple_mc" and choose Movie clip behavior. Press OK.
  • Drag girl_gr to your working area from Library (ctrl+L).
  • Select girl_gr and choose Alpha 0% from color list box in your property window.
  • Insert Keyframe (F6) into the 5th frame.
  • Still remaining on the 5th frame, Select girl_gr and choose Alpha 99% from color list box in your property window.
  • Now select 1st frame, choose Motion Tween from Tween list box in your property window.
  • Insert Keyframe into 15th frame and later to 20th frame.
  • Remaining on the 20th frame, Select girl_gr and choose Alpha 0% from color list box in your property window.
  • Select 15th frame, choose Motion Tween from Tween list box in your property window.
  • Now go to frame 5 and reduce the size of girl_gr, maybe by 5pix width and height.
  • Go to frame 20 and increase the size of girl_gr, maybe by 5pix width and height.
  • Insert a new layer above this layer, call it "Layer 2".
  • Draw a borderless circle. Which would look something like the one shown below

    Instructions to draw the above shown borderless circle
    • Draw a black circle in a layer and delete it's border.
    • Insert a layer above the black circle layer.
    • Draw a smaller white circle in this new layer and delete it's border.
    • Position the white circle such that it is right at the center of the black circle.
    • Now, cut the white circle and paste it (Ctrl+Shift+V) in the black circle layer.
    • Click somewhere outside, so that you deselect either of the circles.
    • Now click on the white circle and delete it
    Your borderless circle is ready!
  • Place this circle right at the center of girl_gr but make sure that this circle resides in Layer 2.
  • Insert Keyframe (F6) into the 20th frame of Layer 2.
  • Remaining in 20th frame Increase the size of the circle. Note, the increased diameter decides where you want the ripple to end or ebb.
  • Now go back to 1st frame, choose Shape Tween from Tween list box in your property window.
  • Right click on Layer 2 and select Mask.
  • Save (ctrl+S). Make it a habit to save your work after each step you do.
Insert Ripple Movie Clip onto Scene 1
  1. Now go back to scene 1.
  2. Insert a new layer above bg layer and call it ripple1.
  3. Drag ripple_mc movie clip onto the working area. Place it right at the center, just the way you placed the circle inripple_mc Movie clip.
  4. Insert frame (F5) into the 20th frame of ripple1 layer. This is just to make sure that the ripple _mc runs only for 20 frame.
  5. Insert frame (F5) into the 30th frame of bg layer.
Here you go!! Your movie is ready. Press Ctrl+Enter to view your movie. Wasn't it simple.
Tips: Inserting 1 ripple_mc Movie clip is sufficient if your picture is approximately the size of the picture as shown in the demonstartion. If your picture is really big, you might have to insert more than 1 layer of ripple_mc movie clip. See to that the difference between the appearance of each movie clip is 5 frames. Actually the differnce basically depends on the type of effect you want. So you can adjust it the way you want.Download the .fla file
For straight Ripple Effect, Click here.


Flash Ripple Effect

This tutorial will teach you how to create a simple Ripple effect in Flash MX 2004. The .fla file also included at the end of the tutorial.
Please note:
1. You need to have Flash Player 7.0 installed to view the Flash animation.
2. Flash MX 2004 or higher must be installed in your system to download the .fla file.


Create a Graphic Symbol.
  • Import an image to your work area upon which you would like to create ripple effect.
  • Press F8, to convert this image to a symbol.
  • Name this Symbol "girl_gr" and choose graphic behavior. Press OK.
  • Name this Layer "bg".
  • Select girl_gr and choose Alpha 99% from color list box in your property window.

Create a Movie clip.
  • Press Ctrl+F8, to create Ripple movie clip.
  • Name this symbol "ripple_mc" and choose Movie clip behavior. Press OK.
  • Drag girl_gr to your working area from Library (ctrl+L).

  • Select girl_gr and choose Alpha 0% from color list box in your property window.
  • Insert Keyframe (F6) into the 5th frame.
  • Remaining on the 5th frame, Select girl_gr and choose Alpha 99% from color list box in your property window.
  • Now select 1st frame, choose Motion Tween from Tween list box in your property window.
  • Insert Keyframe into 15th frame and later to 20th frame.
  • Remaining on the 20th frame, Select girl_gr and choose Alpha 0% from color list box in your property window.
  • Select 15th frame, choose Motion Tween from Tween list box in your property window.
  • Insert a new layer above this layer, call it "Layer 2".
  • Select frame 1 of Layer 2 and draw a borderless square or rectangle depending on the type of ripple effect you want.
    In the above demonstration, I have used rectangle with 15 pix as its height.
  • Place this vector wherever you want the ripple to begin. Make sure that the vector belongs only to layer 2.
  • Insert Keyframe into the 20th frame of Layer 2.
  • Place the vector wherever you want the ripple to end or ebb.
    In the above demonstration, I have placed it right at the bottom and reduced the height to 5 pix.
  • Select 1st frame, choose Shape Tween from Tween list box in your property window.
  • Right click on Layer 2 and select Mask.
  • Save (ctrl+S). Make it a habit to save your work after each step you do.
Insert Ripple Movie Clip onto Scene 1
  1. Now go back to Scene 1.
  2. Insert a new layer above bg layer and call it ripple1.
  3. Insert new Keyframe (F6) into the 10th frame of ripple1 layer.
  4. With 10th frame of ripple1 layer selected, Drag ripple_mc movie clip onto the working area. Place it appropriate to girl_gr. Make sure that this movie clip is placed exactly where you had placed your square or rectangular vector in ripple_mc Movie clip.
  5. Insert frame (F5) into the 30th frame of ripple1 layer. This is just to make sure that the ripple _mc runs only for 20 frame.
  6. Insert another new layer above ripple1 layer and call it ripple2
  7. Insert Keyframe into the 20th frame of ripple2 layer.
  8. With 20th frame of ripple2 layer selected, Drag ripple_mc movie clip onto the working area. Place it appropriate to girl_gr just the way you did in step 4.
  9. Insert frame (F5) into the 40th frame of ripple1 layer. This is just to make sure that the ripple _mc runs only for 20 frame.
  10. Insert frame (F5) into the 40th frame of bg layer.
Here you go!! Your movie is ready. Press Ctrl+Enter to view your movie. Wasn't it simple.
Okay now few things to Note - In the above demonstration I have created a subtle ripple effect. If you want the ripples to be more prominent, you can add few more layers of ripple_mc movie clip and reduce the Keyframe differences between layers. Like in the tutorial above, ripples appear every 10 frames. You can reduce this period and make it appear every 5 frames, which would make the ripple effect more prominent.
Download the .fla file



IP Addressing So what’s a TCP/IP Address? TCP/IP address works on the Network and Transport layer of the OSI-ISO reference model and Intern...