Saturday, August 20, 2011

how to create MySQL shortcut on desktop?

On your desktop, right mouse and select New->Shortcut

A Create Shortcut dialog should appear. In it, browse to the location of the mysql.exe binary file. In my case, its C:\wamp\mysql\bin\mysql.exe. Click next and edit the shortcut name, if desired. Click Finish.

Now, right mouse on the newly created shortcut and select Properties. In the Target field, click at the beginning of the string. Type the following:

%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /K

Note there is a space after the /K.

Move to the end of the string (after the mysql.exe) and type

-u <username> -p

Replace <username> with the username you wish to login under. Click OK to close the properties dialog.

Now you should be able to double click the shortcut and a cmd window will open with a prompt to enter the password for the account.

For example, the enter string in my case is

%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /K C:\wamp\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -u root -p

If you want, you can append your password immediately after the -p (e.g., no space between -p and the password) but this present a security problem so I wouldn't recommend doing it.



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