In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an animated banner using Flash CS5. You will learn how to create a car moving on a road with its tires spinning.
Here we will create a banner of size 728x300. To start with the tutorial download the file that will provide you with the necessary files to be used in the tutorial.
1. Open a new flash file. Choose Window > Properties from the main menubar the PROPERTIES panel is displayed as shown in figure below
Choose the Edit button under the PROPERTIES area in the panel, the Document Settings window is displayed. Set the dimensions as 728(WIDTH) and 300(HEIGHT) and choose the OK button to make the changes.
2. Rename the existing layer as buildings and choose File > Import > Import to Library from the main menubar and import the files downloaded at the starting of the tutorial.
3. Choose Window > Library from the main menubar; the LIBRARY panel is displayed. Pull the building images to the stage area and align it as shown in Figure below.
4. Select the image and choose Modify > Convert to Symbol from the main menubar and name this movieclip as building_animation.
5. Double-click on the movieclip and select the building image and create a moviclip again and name it asbuilding. Rename the layer as anim_building.
6. Select frame 460 and add a keyframe. Select the building movieclip and open the PROPERTIES panel and se the X value to -1450. Publish the file to see the animation. If at any point of time you find a jerk in the animation please adjust the position and frames of the building movieclip accordingly.
7. Go to the main stage area and create a new layer named road. Choose the Rectangle Tool from the Toolspanel and create a box at the bottom of the building area and align it as shown in Figure below. Make sure that the color of the road is set to #171717.
8. Next, create a new layer named road strip and create a grey and white rectangular pattern using theRectangle Tool from the Tools panel, as shown in Figure below. Make sure that the length of the road strip pattern is almost equal to that of the buildings.
9. Select the road strip and choose the Free Transform Tool from the Tools panel and distort the road strip as shown in Figure below. Make sure that the color of the grey part in the strip pattern is similar to that used inroad.
10. Choose Modify > Convert to Symbol from the main menubar and name it as road strip. Select the movieclip and choose Modify > Convert to Symbol again and name it as road strip animation. Place this animation in the center of the road as shown in Figure below.
11. Animate the road strip as you did for the building movieclip. But make sure that the speed of the road strip is double as compared with the moving speed of the buildings. Publish the flash file to see the transition in the animation.
12. Next, move back to the main stage area and create a new layer and name it as logo. Drag the logo.jpeg file from the LIBRARY panel and place it in the scene by first scaling it down as shown in Figure below.
13. Create a new layer in the main stage area and rename it as footpath. Create the footpath using the Rectangle Tool as shown in Figure below. Make sure to match the length of the footpath series with the road strip.
14. Align the foothpath as shown in Figure below.
15. Animate the foothpath similar to the road strip with the same speed. Publish the flash file to see the effect.
16. Next, in the main stage area create a new layer and rename it as car. Choose Modify > Convert to Symbol and rename it as car. Double click on the car movieclip and create a new layer and rename it as tyre_front. Zoom in the to the front tyre area in the screen and create a pattern using the Rectangle Tool as shown in Figure below.
17. Make this pattern as a movieclip and renmae it as tyre_mask. Double click on this movieclip and rename the existing layer as bg and selec the cross pattern again and choose Modify > Convert to Symbol from the main menubar and rename it as spokes. Choose Window > Properties from the main menubar and add blur filter to it.
18. Next, create a new layer over it and rename it as mask. Create an oval shape exactly the shape of the rim of the car as shown in Figure below.
19. Activate the bg layer and create keyframes at frames 3 and 6. Rotate the spokes movieclip at frame 3 by around 180 degrees and add motion tween between the keyframes.
20. Next, activate the mask layer and chose frame 6 and press F5 to extend the frames. Now, right click on themask layer and choose Mask from the drop-down list, spokes will be visible only in the rim area as shown in Figure below.
21. Similarly, add the same effect to the rear wheel. Move back to the main stage area and double click on thecar_animation movieclip and create a keyframe on frame number 40. Move the car movieclip a bit in the top right position. Next, add another keyframe at frame number 75 and place the car in the bottom right position. Add one more keyframe at frame 115 and place the movieclip in the top left position. Add the last keyframe on frame 190 and place the moviclip at the same position as it was on frame1. Add motion tween between the all the keyframes.
22. Position the car on the main stage area as shown in Figure below.
23. Publish the flash file to see the banner animation.
24. You can also use this banner animation for creating an banner advertisement for mercedes benz. To do so, create one more layer in the stage area and rename it as text and add it in the scene and make it fly in the stage area and then stop as shown in Figure below.
25. Publish the flash file to get the animation as shown below.