Sunday, September 11, 2011


IP Addressing

So what’s a TCP/IP Address?
TCP/IP address works on the Network and Transport layer of the OSI-ISO reference model and Internet model. To understand IP addressing, Let’s take a look at the postal addresses. Every house or building must have its own postal address in order for mail to be delivered. An address consists of house number, street, and city. Every device such as (printers, routers, servers, gateways) needs a unique IP address to be identified in the network.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Flash Car Animation - Driving at Night

lash car animation should be the most common animation created again and again over the years. This series of animation tutorials will show you how to make it with flash. The final flash car animation is shown as below:

Create an Animated Car Banner using Flash CS5

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an animated banner using Flash CS5. You will learn how to create a car moving on a road with its tires spinning. 

Creating a Simple Animation in Flash CS5

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple biker animation in Flash CS5 with a snowfall effect in the background. This tutorial will teach how to create frames, keyframes, blank frames & motion tweens. You will also learn how to use the deco tool to create a simple snow fall effect.

We will learn how to create tha nimation you see above. Let's get started!

Make a Very Basic Flash ActionScript Website Tutorial

This Flash tutorial series show how to make a simple and basic Flash web site with ActionScript 3. The first Flash tutorial shows how to make a very basic Flash web site with ActionScript 3. Although it is a very basic Flash web site, it has almost all the basic features.

Play and Stop Flash Movie Clip with ActionScript 3

This tutorial series show how to use Flash ActionScript to control Flash Movie Clip.

Flash Sound On/Off Button

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a simple Flash music on and off button using Flash actionscript. Fla download is also included.

This tutorial starts with the music on. On clicking the button music goes off (as seen in the demo). You can start the music again at any point during the movie.

Simple Flash Preloader

This tutorial will explain how to create a simple Preloader in Flash MX 2004. The download .fla is included at the end of the tutorial.
Please note:
1. You need to have Flash Player 7.0 installed to view the Flash animation.
2. Flash MX 2004 must be installed in your system to download the .fla file.

Scrolling Content in Flash

Learn how to scroll content in Flash using the ScrollPane Component. The free .fla download file is included at the end of the tutorial.
Please note:
1. You need to have Flash Player 7.0 installed to view the Flash file.
2. Flash 8.0 must be installed in your system to download the .fla file.
Steps to Follow :
  1. Open Flash 8.0 and create a new Flash document

Simple Flash Preloader using ActionScript

  1.  Create 2 layers called actions and preloader. The actions layer will contain the action script and the preloader layer will contain the preloader.

  1. In the first frame of the preloaderlayer. Select the rectangle tool and set the stroke color to black and fill color to a lighter shade and draw a rectangle as shown below.


IP Addressing So what’s a TCP/IP Address? TCP/IP address works on the Network and Transport layer of the OSI-ISO reference model and Intern...